
    In the question, the sentence is split into four parts. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

    P: Amid the tranquil embrace of a well-tended garden

    Q: where each blossom told a tale of beauty

    R: forming a living tapestry of nature's artistry

    S: myriad colors bloomed and intertwined

    A RQPS Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B PSQR Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C PSRQ Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D SQRP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E QSRP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Part P sets the scene by introducing the location as "Amid the tranquil embrace of a well-tended garden." Part S follows to describe the scene with "myriad colors bloomed and intertwined," giving the reader an image of vibrant colors in the garden. Part R continues the description by explaining how these colors formed "a living tapestry of nature's artistry." Part Q concludes the sentence by providing additional information about the garden, explaining "where each blossom told a tale of beauty."  

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