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The correct sequence is: EDABC A acts as an introductory sentence where on reading it we get the idea of the subject that is Illness anxiety disorder. B gives further details about the same. It defines the disorder in brief. C mentions what all an individual suffers from IAD and what he experiences. Since C mentions about an irrational fear, D talks about the same fear and its severity. E then further expands details about the irrational fear that it is so severe that the individual becomes conscious of his normal bodily sensations and mistake them as symptoms of severe disease.
इसके अलावा जीएसटी क्षतिपूर्ति की पूरी राशि भी राज्यों को ...
' आलोचक ' शब्द का अर्थ है :
निम्न में से कौन सी आलोचना कृति विजयदेव नारायण साह की है ?
निम्नलिखित में से गलत विलोम शब्द युग्म कौन हैं ?
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भारत सरकार ने किस नियम के अनुसार राजभाषा विभाग को कार्य सौ...
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