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The paragraph talks about the escape of boat Primrose from tribals living on an island. Statement 1 states that Primrose had ran aground on a reef. In statement E, the ‘reef’ refers to the coral reef mentioned in Statement 1. Also, E forms a logical start of the sequence of events (as E reports first sighting of tribals). Thus, E is the first statement after Statement 1. Statement C comes next in the sequence of events. Statement E states that the watchman reported seeing the group and in statement C, the group comes into sight for the first time. Statement B follows statement C as the ‘wild men’ mentioned in it refers to the men seen by the crew in statement C. Statement B is the next statement even logically as only after seeing the men can the captain describe them to his headquarters. Statements D and A describe the effort of tribals to reach the boat. Statement D describes the weather and statement A describes how that weather saved the crew from tribals. Also, in statement A, ‘the surging swell’ is a reference to the surf mentioned in Statement D. Therefore, D is followed by A. Thus, the sequence is: 1-ECBDA-7
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