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The paragraph talks about the escape of boat Primrose from tribals living on an island. Statement 1 states that Primrose had ran aground on a reef. In statement E, the ‘reef’ refers to the coral reef mentioned in Statement 1. Also, E forms a logical start of the sequence of events (as E reports first sighting of tribals). Thus, E is the first statement after Statement 1. Statement C comes next in the sequence of events. Statement E states that the watchman reported seeing the group and in statement C, the group comes into sight for the first time. Statement B follows statement C as the ‘wild men’ mentioned in it refers to the men seen by the crew in statement C. Statement B is the next statement even logically as only after seeing the men can the captain describe them to his headquarters. Statements D and A describe the effort of tribals to reach the boat. Statement D describes the weather and statement A describes how that weather saved the crew from tribals. Also, in statement A, ‘the surging swell’ is a reference to the surf mentioned in Statement D. Therefore, D is followed by A. Thus, the sequence is: 1-ECBDA-7
To which race did Mahmud of Ghazni belong?
In the 2024 Best Countries ranking, which country topped the “Best Countries for Adventure” list?
When was the Dutch East India Company established?
Which of the events occurred during the active phase of the Revolutionary Movement (1907- 1917)?
1. Formation of Hindu Mahasabha
2. Separa...
Consider the following statements with reference to Tipu Sultan:
1. He was killed defending his capital Seringapatam in the Fourth Anglo Mysore...
According to Mahatma Gandhi's 'Hind Swaraj' (1909), British rule in India was established _____.
Who assisted the British in capturing Jhansi by betraying Rani Lakshmibai?
Which one of the following policies was used by the British to keep Napoleon at a distance?
Regarding the Revolt of 1857, assess the accuracy of these statements:
(I) The introduction of the Enfield rifle and its grease-coated cartridges...
The ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ was introduced by which British Governor-General.