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The paragraph talks about the escape of boat Primrose from tribals living on an island. Statement 1 states that Primrose had ran aground on a reef. In statement E, the ‘reef’ refers to the coral reef mentioned in Statement 1. Also, E forms a logical start of the sequence of events (as E reports first sighting of tribals). Thus, E is the first statement after Statement 1. Statement C comes next in the sequence of events. Statement E states that the watchman reported seeing the group and in statement C, the group comes into sight for the first time. Statement B follows statement C as the ‘wild men’ mentioned in it refers to the men seen by the crew in statement C. Statement B is the next statement even logically as only after seeing the men can the captain describe them to his headquarters. Statements D and A describe the effort of tribals to reach the boat. Statement D describes the weather and statement A describes how that weather saved the crew from tribals. Also, in statement A, ‘the surging swell’ is a reference to the surf mentioned in Statement D. Therefore, D is followed by A. Thus, the sequence is: 1-ECBDA-7
In the following question, some parts of the sentence have been highlighted. You need to identify which of the given option can both grammatically and ...
In the following sentences, an idiom or idiomatic phrase is given in bold. You need to determine whether the given idiom is correctly used in the conte...
I was thinking about this the last time we gone on a big trip.
In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followe...
Contracting out services of the virtual unregulation and largely commercial private system is fraught with risks.
...With our new flexible membership options, you only pay for the ads you need and it won’t break the leg .
You will come to my party tomorrow, will you ?
In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the phrase in bold to ...
This is one of the best book that I have read.
In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. Find out which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold to co...