
    In the question given below, rearrange the parts of the

    sentence in the correct order, and choose the correct option. If all the parts are arranged in the correct order, choose option E as your answer. and this occurs when businesses hire (A)/ when it becomes easier to get a job, (B)/ labour force participation increases (C)/ more people as they expand (D)
    A CBAD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B ADCB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C CBDA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D CABD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No rearrangement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    CBAD is the final order. C begins the sentence by establishing the subject - labour force participation. It tells us that labour force participation increases. B follows by telling us when it increases - when it becomes easier to get a job. A follows by telling us when this happens - when businesses hire more people as they expand (continued by D). 

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