
    In the question given below, a set of sentences is

    given, which when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in the correct sequence and choose the option which gives the correct order. A. Her mother found her crying. B. She said that she had a lot of problems in her life. C. A girl named Mary was upset. D. Her mother asked her to write all her problems on a piece of paper. E. Her mother asked her why she was crying.
    A BDEAC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B CEABD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C CAEBD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BECDA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the orders is correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    After reading all the sentences, we can say that the passage is about Mary. Sentence C comes first as it introduces the subject Mary, and in the rest of the sentences, the pronouns 'she' and 'her' were used to refer to Mary. Sentence C states that Mary was upset. Sentence A follows and states that Mary's mother found her crying as she was upset. E follows A as it states that Mary's mother asked about her reason for crying. B follows E as it talks about Mary's reply to the question asked by her mother. Sentence D follows and talks about the suggestion by her mother regarding her problems. Therefore, the correct order is CAEBD. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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