While travellers going (A) at the airport do not face any slot (B) in online booking for RAT, passengers arriving (C) to countries other than the U.A.E. are unable to book a issues (D) online before reaching the airport.
Here, lsquo;going at the airportrsquo; is incorrect, but lsquo;arriving atrsquo; is correct. So, A-C should be interchanged. Also, lsquo;a issuesrsquo; is incorrect. But lsquo;any issuesrsquo; and lsquo;a slotrsquo; are correct. so, B-D should also be interchanged. While travellers arriving at the airport do not face any issues in online booking for RAT, passengers going to countries other than the U.A.E. are unable to book a slot online before reaching the airport.
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1. assess the age of a plant or animal.
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(1) The Constitution of Parliament is given in Article 79.
(2) Article 98 talks about the Secretariat...
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I. Less pressure on natural resources
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1. It will be established as a part ...