The paragraph begins with the introduction to cotton being popular and favourite in the world. Statement Q acts as evidence to support the introductory sentence. It gives various factors and defines the quality of cotton that makes it favourite to use. Statement S then begins an economic description that how cotton industry provides employment to millions. Sentence P then leads to past that how from many years cotton is being cultivated. Sentence R then draws an irony that despite its widespread cultivation it only became popular after cotton gin was introduced. The sentence then concludes with the emboldened part where it tells that cotton has continued to be popular in use.
√14400 x √8100 - (60)² = ? + (80)²
9 × 40× 242 × 182= ?2
?2 = √20.25 × 10 + √16 + 32
(25 × 12 + 30 × 8 – 22 × 10) = ?
18 × 15 + 86 – 58 =? + 38
14 × 11 + 25 – ? = 21% of 300
25% of 720 + 16% of 450 - 44% of 550 = ?
54 - 78 + 1518 + 1653 – 1252 = ?
3% of 842 ÷ 2% of 421 = ?