
    In the following question, three statements are given. For each question, three starters are also given which can be used to integrate all three statements into a meaningful and coherent composition. Select a starter or starters from the following options that can be used to combine the given statements in a grammatically accurate and contextually meaningful manner.

    (A) developing renewable energy sources

    (B) is a key step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions

    (C) their lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels

    (i) although

    (ii) due to

    (iii) nonetheless

    A Only (i) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only (ii) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only (iii) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only (ii) and (iii) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Using starter (ii) "due to," the combined sentence would be: "Developing renewable energy sources is a key step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to their lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels." Starter (i) "although" is used to show contrast, which doesn't fit the context here. Starter (iii) "nonetheless" is used to express a contradiction or a surprising outcome, which is not suitable for this context.

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