
    In the following question, two statements and five connectors are given. Only one of the connectors from those given can be used to combine the given two statements into one sentence without changing the meaning. Choose that connector as your answer.

    1. Nuclear medicine imaging runs almost entirely on

    Molybdenum-99, a radioisotope produced by nuclear fission of enriched uranium that decays so rapidly it becomes worthless within days. 2. Moly-99, as it's called, is created in just six government-owned nuclear research reactors, raising concerns about the reliability of the supply and even prompting federal scientists to warn of the possibility of severe shortages.
    A If Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Because Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Although Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Whereas Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Since Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct answer is C

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