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(d) BUT is used to show contradiction Both sentences in 2 and 3 are contradictory. 1- The sentences are similar - the first tells us that the French had not occupied the region, and the second tells that the Russians had also left the region unoccupied. 2- the first sentence tells us that he was ridiculous and sarcastic, and the second contradicts it by telling us that he was still respected. "He was ridiculous, and unpleasantly sarcastic but he inspired involuntary respect by his boundless devotion to an idea." 3- the first sentence tells us that they had not agreed on anything, the second contradicts it by telling us how they were no longer quarrelling. "They hadn't actually agreed on anything, but they were no longer quarrelling." Thus, (d) is the right answer.
Which type of emulsion found in MILK-
Curly toe paralysis presents as inward curling of the toes on the chicken's feet, which impairs their ability to walk. Curly toe paralysis is caused by ...
Who provided the earliest demonstration of disease resistance as a character transmissible from parent to offspring in the Mendelian fashion?
Hen required how much sq/ft as per NABARD norms?
As per 3rd Advance estimate of area and production of Horticultural crops for year 2021-22, the total horticultural production in India is ____ million ...
Which is the most widespread form of malnutrition among preschool children in India?
The success of 'green revolution' during 1960s was only possible due to the dwarfing gene. Dwarfing gene in rice is ……………………..
...The cultivation of wheat and barley started in _____ B.C.
Irrigation is scheduled at IW/CPE ratio of 0.8 and the crop is irrigated to a depth of 5.0 cm when the CPE is:
What technology involves the injection of contaminant-free air into the subsurface saturated zone, enabling a phase transfer of hydrocarbons from a diss...