
    In the question below, four sentences are given. Choose

    the sentence that is grammatically or meaningfully correct. In case all are correct, mark E as your answer.
    A Two of the ocean's biggest predator - sharks and humans - are at odds with each other in southern California. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B In southern California, sharks and humans are finding it hard to coexisted with each other. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Southern California is proof of the fact that sharks and humans cannot exist in the same environment. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Sharks and humans are two of the ocean's biggest predators, which are in a constantly tussle with each other in southern California. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All are correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A - the plural 'predators' should be used here as the syntax 'two + of + the + subject' always has the subject in plural form. B - the base form of the verb 'coexist' should be used with the infinitive construction 'to + verb'. C - no error. D - the adjective 'constant' should be used in place of the adverb 'constantly', as it is being used to modify the noun 'tussle'. C is the right answer.

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