replace revival with reviving. A present participle used as part of the continuous form of a verb. Global commodities have witnessed a bull run over the last 12 months, reviving hopes of the beginning of the next super cycle in commodity prices.
Which rule is for Distribution Independence
A special, high-speed storage area within the CPU where data must be stored before processing is called:
What does the term "cloud computing" primarily refer to?
____________ memory is sometimes used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rate.
MS Access is a type of:
Which document view is given an appearance as in a web browser?
The transfer between CPU and Cache is ______________
In Fourth Generation Computer which type of Storage devices is used?
Which application software can be used to create, edit, and print documents?
WYSIWYG – describes the display of a document on screen as it will actually print: