‘treatment can be started early’ is the correct usage.
What is the name of the oil painting by Amrita Sher-Gil, created in 1937, depicting village women engaged in daily activities?
With which of the following movements is the slogan "Do or Die" associated?
What does the term ‘chatuspathis’ and ‘tols’ refer to?
What does the Coolie Begar system in modern Indian history refer to?
“White mutiny” in the history of modern India was related to which of the following?
Who was the first Governor-General of independent India?
Consider the following statements with reference to the Swadesh Sewak Home:
1. Swadesh Sevak Home was set up by G.D Kumar in Vancouver on the ...
Who was the Peshwa that signed the Treaty of Bassein with the British East India Company?
Which player has made the record of most sixes in international cricket
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, an Indian independence movement leader, was born in which state?