The correct answer is A
In a class among five students, T has more marks than U and V, but V does not have least marks. W has more marks than X and X has more marks than T, who...
Seven students J, K, L, M, N, O and P are going for an entrance examination. Only two students score more marks than J. M score more marks than N but le...
What can be the possible age of V?
What is the weight of Q?
____ is the second tallest person and _____ is the third lightest person.
M is sixth form the left end and N is fourteen from the right end. O who is third to the right of M is sixth to the left of N. find the total number of ...
In a class of 58 students, all the students are sitting in a row facing north, Reyansh is sitting 28th from the right end of the row. Only 17 students a...
In a class, all the students are standing in a row. If a particular student is 18th from both the ends, how many students are there in the cl...
Six persons H, I, J, K, L and M have different weights in kg. I is heavier than J but lighter than H, who is the second heaviest among all. L is lighter...
Who is 2nd heaviest among the friends?