Simple Sentence: A sentence with one independent clause. In this case, the sentence has a subject ("He") and a predicate ("liked what I suggested"). The clause is complete on its own, and there are no additional independent clauses or complex structures.
1. A team at the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science has developed a true random number generator.
If a curriculum is being presenting (A) for school students, who are of an impressionable (B) age, educationists can decide (C) on the manner of ...
Hitler latter declared that this was when he realised he could really "make a good speech".
You must pay the fees _____a week
The advent we entertained and informed ourselves/(P) of satellite television was a silent/(Q) and completely changed the way/(R) revolution which create...
I. Shares continued to depreciate on the stock markets today.
II. The United States government might attempt to depreci...
Congregating (A) to concerns regarding choose (B) of food and water as well as owing (C) in large numbers, the authorities said that some schools ...
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
A teaching profession deliver (A)/ teaching which enabled learning,(B)/ and a system of policies,(C)/ regulations, examinations, structures and fundin...