Entrepreneurship: a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
Find the unit digit of (62375 - 7)
In an examination, two students participated, where one student scored 15 marks higher than the other. If the higher-scoring student's marks constitute ...
The sum of eight consecutive even numbers of set-A is 416. What is the sum of five consecutive numbers of another set whose lowest number is 18 more tha...
‘Z’ is a two digit number in which the unit place digit is ‘P’ and the tens place digit is ‘Q’. The value of ‘P’ is smaller than the val...
If '502x62y' is a seven-digit number which is divisible by 72, then find the least possible value of (x - y).
There are three numbers 'x', 'y' and 'z' (x < y < z) such that 'y' is equal to the average of 'x' and 'z'. 40% of 'z' is equal to 'x' and the difference...
One-fourth of a number is 70. What will 40% of that number?
Find the third proportion of 38 and 19.
One-seventh of a 2-digit number is 10 less than half of the number. What is the sum of the digits of the 2-digit number?
What is the difference between 3/5 of 150 and 1/2 of 300?