Solution The intended idea in the sentence is to highlight common negative emotions that challenge our emotional aspect. The original words in bold are incorrect because 'upbeat' contradicts the negative emotions mentioned. Option B: 'Adverse' (unfavourable) fits, but 'societal' (relating to society) is contextually weak and 'trauma' (severe distress) is too extreme for the context of common emotional challenges. Option C: Although, ‘personal’ and ‘stamina’ fit the context, 'brutality' (extreme violence) is inappropriate grammatically as we need adjective to qualify nun ‘emotions’. Option D: 'Gloomy' (sad) somewhat fits but 'reliable' (dependable) is unsuitable, and 'endure' (to last) is a verb, not a noun. Option A: 'Negative' (unpleasant) accurately describes the emotions, 'universal' (experienced by everyone) conveys the generality of the experience, and 'resilience' (emotional strength) is the right term for inner strength. Hence, option A is correct.
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