
    In the question given below, two phrases in a sentence

    are highlighted which may or may not be correctly used. From the given choices choose the correct one(s) and mark the answer accordingly. The protesters raised anti-police slogans and demanded action against officials who would entered the university. i. protesters raised anti-police slogans, against officials who would entered ii. protesters raising anti-police slogans, against officials who enter iii. protesters raised anti-police slogans, against officials who entered
    A Only i Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only ii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only iii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Both ii & iii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The second boldened phrase "who entered" has been used correctly, but the first boldened phrase "would entered" contains an error. The modal verb "would" should be followed by the base form of the verb "enter," not the past tense "entered." Hence, it should be "would enter." Therefore,Only (iii) is the correct answer.

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