A little voice inside me was saying that if I slept I might never wake up again.
The sale price of item 'A' is Rs. 9,125, and it generates a profit of 25%. If item 'B' has a cost price that is Rs. 200 higher than the cost price of i...
The average cost price of two items is Rs. 750. The first item is sold at a 15% profit, and the second item is sold at a 20% loss. Given that the combin...
A seller marked an article 25% above its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 60. If the seller earned a profit of 20% in the transacti...
The difference between the marked price and the cost price of a laptop is Rs. 2200. After offering a discount of Rs. 700 on the marked price, if the mar...
Among 120 sweets, 'p' sweets were sold for Rs. 5 each, while the remaining were sold for Rs. 'q' each. If Rs. 'pq' is added to the selling price of the ...
A bicycle shop sold 150 bicycles in January and 180 in February. The cost price of each bicycle is ₹2,500. If the shop offers a discount of 10% on the...
The combined cost price of Bournvita and Horlicks is Rs. 2000. With Horlicks sold at a 16% profit and Bournvita at a 20% profit, and given that the rati...
A shopkeeper marked an article P% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 748.8 after giving a discount of 28%. If the shopkeeper had a loss of 6.4% on...
On selling an article for ₹. 123.40, the gain is 20% more than the amount of loss incurred on selling it for Rs.108. If the article is sold for ₹.12...
Two identical items are sold for Rs.200 each, with 10% gain on one but 10% loss on the other. What is the net percentage loss or gain?