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Argumentative Indians must return (A) as climate change activists and Urban Naxals to protect (B) the rights of the planet and the fate of marginals (C), items of little concern to the present ruling (D) class.
Which of the following is not considered as temperate fruit?
Which of the following is an objective/visual extension teaching method?
…………….. refers to removal of field heat (quick cooling) after harvest; if not, its deterioration is faster at higher temperature of 1 hour at ...
4 'A' model of rural marketing includes:
In high air humidity more water moves into the leaves than is being lost to the air and the more delicate cell walls in the leaf may burst. The conditio...
If a government uses barriers to foreign products such as biases against a foreign company's bids, or product standards that go against a foreign compan...
Vascular – arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is known for;
Tea Mosquito Bug is the major pest of
Saline soil having
(A) pH<8.5
(B) E.C.>4
(C) ESP<15
(D) Physical condition - Flocculated
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Which monsoon is responsible for rainfall in tamil nadu