
    In the following question a sentence with four highlighted words is given. Choose which of the following pairs should be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful. If the sentence is correct as it is, your answer is (e). 

    Argumentative Indians must marginals (A) as climate change activists and Urban Naxals to protect (B) the rights of the planet and the fate of return (C), items of little concern to the present ruling (D) class.

    A A-B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B C-D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A-C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A-D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No change required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Argumentative Indians must return (A) as climate change activists and Urban Naxals to protect (B) the rights of the planet and the fate of marginals (C), items of little concern to the present ruling (D) class.

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