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The correct way to write it will be -Radio might be referred to as a humble cousin in the media industry, but in the recent part this has seen a surge in listeners, creativity and revenue. 'Refer to' is a phrasal verb which is used whenever we mention about something or someone.
The total number of students in a school is 24600. If the ratio of boys to the girls in the school is 75:89 respectively, then find the total number of ...
Two numbers are respectively 30% and 40% more than a third number. Find the ratio of two numbers.
A bag contains coins of Rs 1, 50p, and 25p and the ratio of the number of coins is 6:15:16. If the total value of all the coins is Rs 1050 then what wi...
Number of faculties in Physics and Biology in an institute is in the ratio of 3:5 respectively. If 75 more faculties join Physics, while 40 more faculti...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 11:7. If 2 males joined the class and 6 females left the class, then the ratio of...
Rs.14000 was divided among A, B and C in the ratio 2:2:3. B kept Rs.1200 for himself, gave Rs.600 to his mother and divided the remaining money among hi...
Incomes of company A and company B are in the ratio of 3:7. Had the income of company A been more by Rs.20 lakh, the ratio of their incomes would have b...
6 years ago ratio of the ages of the two persons A and B was 5:3. 3 years hence the ratio of their ages will be 4:3. Find the present age of B.
Find the fourth proportion of 3, 8 and 18.
Total population of city P and Q is 4420 and 5940 respectively. If the ratio of number of males to females in city is P and Q is 8:5 and 5:4 respectivel...