
    Below are given a few sentences with one part emboldened in each. The emboldened part may or may not be grammatically correct. Below each question are five options out of which any in four options may replace the emboldened part. If the sentence does not require any improvement, choose option 5, ‘No improvement required’.

      About these points he gave the organisation a much bolder stratagem with a clear foreign policy (abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, a Greater Germany, Eastern expansion and exclusion of Jews from citizenship).

             i.            Through these points

           ii.            In those points

          iii.            From these points

    A Only ii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Both i and ii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Both ii and iii Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only i Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No improvement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The preposition about is wrong and should be replaced with through to show the points as a medium through which a bolder stratagem was given.

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