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The correct word to use is "revel," which means to take great pleasure or delight in something.
Which ICDS deals with Accounting Policies?
Where a company is formed and registered under this Act for a future project or to hold an asset or intellectual property and has no significant accoun...
From 1st April 2010, non-furnishing of PAN to the deductors results in TDS at much higher rate of ________ or even more.
Which of the following formulae is correct for calculation of Cost of Goods Sold?
Audit of accounts by the staff of the business is known as:
What duties are taxes on intra-State supplies?
There can be variety of budget. Name the budget which relates to a particular function of the business.
According to The Companies Act 2013, which of the following statement is incorrect with regards to OPC (One Person Company)?
According to Ind AS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment, what is NOT considered when determining the cost of self-constructed assets?
GeM is characterized by which of these three core elements?