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The correct sentence is “It is dangerous to cross the road unmindfully.”
What is the sum of the experience of the persons living on floor numbers 6, 4, and 1?
Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding J?
Who among the following lives on floor 2?
Which box is placed immediately below box R?
Who among the following person lives South west of N and North west of Q?
Which of the following boxes are placed in the lowermost shelf?
Six persons N, O, P, Q, R and S live in a six storey building but not necessarily in the same order. The bottommost floor is numbered as 1st and the top...
If C is related to 2015 and F is related to 2019 in a certain way, then G is related to which of the following year?
If in a certain way ‘Red’ is related to ‘Banana’, Blue is related to ‘Grapes’ in the same way ‘Black’ is related to who among the follow...
Who lives two floor below the floor on which S lives in the same flat number?