
    Directions : In the question given below, a sentence is

    given with three words in bold. Three answer choices are given giving replacements to the words in bold. Select the option that gives the correct combination of the answer choices. In case, the sentence is correct as it is, select 'No Improvement required'.   The looming augment of trade barriers and the potential for market isolation hint large, threatening to stymie China’s ascent in the global EV arena. 1. reliance, steams, stall 2. desire, grows, portend 3. spectre, looms, encumber
    A Only 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Both 1 & 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only 1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No improvement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The sentence discusses the challenges faced by China in its efforts to establish itself in the global Electric Vehicle (EV) market. While "augment" can mean to increase or make something greater in size or value, in the context of trade barriers, it might not be the most precise word choice. "spectre" replaces "augment": "Spectre" is a suitable replacement for "augment," as it suggests something looming or threatening. It conveys the idea of a shadow or threat hanging over a situation. “Reliance” and “ desire” both cannot accurately replace the word “augment”. "Hint" implies a subtle or indirect suggestion or indication. However, in the sentence, the idea being conveyed is not subtle; it's about significant challenges posed by trade barriers and market isolation. "looms" replaces "hint": "Looms" is a suitable replacement for "hint," as it suggests something looming or impending. It conveys the idea of something appearing large and threatening. “Steams “ and “grows” do not convey the gravity of the context. "Encumber" is a suitable replacement for "threatening," as it suggests hindering or impeding progress. It conveys the idea of being weighed down or obstructed by something. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

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