
    In the following question, some parts of the sentence

    have been highlighted. You need to identify which of the given option can both grammatically and contextually replace the highlighted part. In case the highlighted part is correct, mark option E as your answer. This weblog with its proud archives is quite a unique fish kettle and a new experience for me socially.
    A a different kettle of fish Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B a different kettle of tea Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C coffee kettle difference Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Both (b) and (c) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No correction required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    (a) The highlighted idiom/phrase is incorrect in the given sentence; the correct idiom in the given context would be 'a different kettle of fish' which means a completely different type of person or thing from the one previously mentioned. Hence, (a) is the right answer. Other options would make the sentence incoherent.

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