
    In the following question, one part of the sentence is

    being bold. Below are given options suggesting replacements to the bold part, which may improve the sentence. Choose the grammatically correct option. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'no correction required' as your answer Commercial vehicle off-take has been in the negative territory for the last few months following a drop out freight volumes and also tariffs.
    A Following a dropped in Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Follow a drop in Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Following a drop in Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Following a drop at Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No replacement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    (c) The highlighted part is incorrect as the preposition 'in' should have been used. A is incorrect as 'dropped' is a verb whereas a noun should have been used after the article 'a'. B is incorrect as the preposition 'following' should be used, to mean 'coming after' or 'as a result of'. D is incorrect as 'at' is the incorrect preposition here. Option C is the right answer.

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