
    In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by phrases 1, 2, 3 and 4. Find out which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold to correct the error, if there is any, and to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘ No correction is required’ , mark 5 as the answer.

    The burden of fixed monthly charges and fuel cost

    adjustment will be born by state government
    A must be born by Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B will be borne through Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C will be borne by Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D will be done by Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No correction required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ‘Borne’ is past participle of ‘bear’ which means ‘to take responsibility for something’. Thus, the charges will be borne by the government.

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