Correct Spelling for ‘Tenacious’ is as given, not ‘Tanacious’
When was the Regional Rural Banks Act passed in India?
Which of the following does not form part of excretory system in insects?
Growing grasses in orchards between the trees without tillage or mulching is called
Which state is the top producer of Cotton in India?
Which of the following is a phytokinin?
National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources is located at
The green revolution leads to the production of foodgrains basically paddy and wheat, golden revolution is phased out in similar pattern for the product...
Lactose found in milk is a disaccharide composed of:
e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) was launched in the year___
The livestock census aims to collect information about all the livestock along with their age, sex composition, etc. The livestock census is conducted o...