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The word "hiered" in option B is incorrect. The correct spelling should be "hired."
Six persons D, E, F, G, H, and I stand in a queue according to their weight. Who among the following is just heavier than D?
Statement I: H is ...
Five persons T, U, V, W and X sit in a row facing north direction. Who among the following sits at extreme right end?
Statement I: T sits second ...
Six persons Megha, Manisha, Monu, Manish, Mehak and Manveer have different heights. Who is the 3rd shortest person?
Statement I: Two persons ar...
Five persons L, N, O, P and Q, who all are of different weights. Who among the following is the lightest?
Statement I: N is lighter than only one...
In a certain code language ‘first letter represents second’ is written as ‘7$4@’. What is the code for ‘first’?
I. In a certain code ...
What is Guna's age?
I. Guna, Vinay and Keshav are all of the same age.
II. Sum of ages of Vinay, Keshav and Arjun is 32; also, Arjun is as...
How is ‘ecosystem’ written in a code language?
I. In a certain language ‘boost the start-up’ is written as ‘ka pi l...
A question is given, followed by two statements numbered (I) and (II). You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to ...
In a certain code language, “Hotelier Collapsed died” is coded as “wd cx bs”. “Collapsed Jobs while exercising” is coded as “yq mr cx ko...
How many days did Mr. Bhatia take to complete his work?
I. His colleague Simran correctly remembers that Mr. Bhatia took more than five days but ...