
    Select the sentence that has NO spelling errors.

    A Tourism in the region, which relies heavily on the alure of Om Parvat’s snow-capped peak, could suffer if the snowless condition persists. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Tourism in the region, which relies heavily on the allurre of Om Parvat’s snow-capped peak, could suffer if the snowless condition persists. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Tourism in the region, which relies heavily on the allure of Om Parvat’s snow-capped peak, could sufer if the snowless condition persists. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Tourism in the region, which relies heavily on the allure of Om Parvat’s snow-capped peak, could suffer if the snowless condition persists. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    in the first and second options, the error lie in the spellings of 'alure' and ''allurre', respectively. The correct spelling should be 'allure'. In the third sentence,  'sufer' is incorrect. It should be 'suffer'. Option 4 is the sentence with no spelling error.

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