Replace the superlative degree (LONGEST) with LONG which means ‘PROLONG’. The sentence talks about the long term future of the country’s economy.
Seven persons T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z have different weights. V is heavier than W. U is heavier than T, who is just lighter than W. Y is lighter than Z...
Who among the following is shorter than I but heavier than I?
Five persons M, N, O, P and Q have different heights. M is taller than Q and P. N is taller than O. M is not taller than N. Who among the following is ...
There are five persons (A, B, C, D and E) of different height. C is taller than only three persons. A is taller than B but shorter than C. E is taller t...
Six friends have different number of chocolates. G has more chocolates than that of I and H. E has less chocolates than D but more chocolates than G. F...
There are six friends. R is taller than at most two persons. V is shorter than R. T is taller than U but shorter than S. W is taller than U but shorter ...
Who among the following weigh lighter than D?
Who secured the highest marks?
Who among the following have equal number of students ahead and behind to him?
If the number of chocolates of Suman is less than 26 and is an odd number which is divisible by 3 but not by 5, then how many chocolates does Suman have?