In August this year, Beijing saw its lowest ever PM2.5 on record, just 23 micrograms per cubic metre and all of that is because of the various steps they've taken.
Select the option that is related to fifth number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number and the fourth number is related...
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOTE : Operations should be performe...
A recent survey for XYZ city showed that 56 percent of the population is below 21 years (exactly 21 years old not included), 25 percent of the rest of p...
‘Confined spaces’ is related to ‘Claustrophobia’ in the same way as ‘Insects’ is related to ‘______’.
55 : 10 :: 63 : ?
Three of the following letter-clusters are alike in some manner and hence form a group. Which letter-cluster does not belong to that group?
If 60 [15] 3 and 108 [63] 7, then what is the value of A in 156 [A] 16?
Cobbler : Leather: : Weaver : ?
In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be tru...
Three of the following letter-clusters are alike in some manner and hence form a group. Which letter-cluster does not belong to that group?