The phrasal verb ‘set up’ means ‘the way in which things are organized or arranged’. This phrasal verb is inappropriate here. The correct phrasal verb is ‘show up’. It means ‘to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly’. Patients have bled themselves into anaemia and then showed up at a doctor's office stating they haven't a clue about how they became so ill.
In India, Small Finance Banks maximum can grant loan size in capital funds to single borrower not more than what percent?
The Academy Awards also known by the name?
The term "Blue Revolution" is related to which of the following?
In which year was Keoladeo National Park declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
The Five year plan which recognised human development as the core of all development efforts?
What is the new name for the Durbar Hall at Rashtrapati Bhavan?
The term ‘BIMSTEC’ stands for-
Which Indian state is known as the "Spice Garden of India"?
Nag Panchami is observed in which Hindu calendar month?
13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit took place in virtual format from ______________.