In ‘X’, the error is in the pronoun. Since ‘Many Chinese’ is the subject, ‘its’ is incorrect. It should be ‘their’. X. Many Chinese believe that their superior cultural ways have inspired their neighbours to imitate them and even voluntarily give tribute to the Chinese Emperor. 1. The horse appeared in China around the same time as it did in ancient Egypt and India, 3,500 years ago, in the Shang era. 2. Even though these foreigners adopted the trappings of Chinese culture and insisted they had the Mandate of Heaven to declare themselves Emperor, their presence was tolerated with great resentment.
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“राजभाषा अधिनियम 1963 कब संशोधित हुआ -
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ‘ संक्षिप्त उपवाक्य ' शब्द का वित...
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