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The correct answer is A
Which bank has announced the launch of its online platform, 'Trade Emerge', to offer comprehensive digital banking and value-added services to exporters...
Which of the following metals is used along with iron to make 'Spotless Stainless Steel'?
On which river is the Kulhal Hydroelectric Project located?
Which statement about the properties of magnetic lines of force is NOT correct?
The Kanger Valley National Park is located in
The Uranium deposits are mostly found in which of the following mines of India?
What is the primary function of the newly launched SHe-Box portal by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD)?
After a gap of how many years the bus service from Champawat district in Uttarakhand has been started off to Nepal?
In 2021, which of the following airports of India has seen a growth of 17.68% in air cargo?
What is the key focus of the project agreement between C-DOT and IIT Mandi?