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remember Conjunction “ But ” is used to show a contrast/conflict between both sentences.
In a competitive examination containing 200 questions, 2 marks are awarded for every correct answer and 1 mark gets deducted for every wrong answer. If ...
The ratio of the number of people in A and B Companies is 4:5. 70% and 72% of people in A and B Companies passed the interview, r...
Out of 800 students in school, 10% students like samosa only and 20% students like samosa and momos both. If 42% students don’t like any snacks then f...
Meenu spent 10% of the salary on entertainment and 10% on makeup. She spent 20% of the remaining on the food and 50% of the remaining invested in mutual...
A student multiplied a number by 8/5 instead of 5/8. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
In a zoo, 25% of the people are males. 40% of the remaining are females and the remaining 720 are children’s. Find the total number of people in a...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 65% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 80% th...
Rahul saves Rs. 5800 more if he spends 55% of his income instead of 75%. Find the savings of Sumit whose income is 20% more than that of Rahul, and spen...
A candidate who gets 22% marks fails by 10 marks but another candidate who gets 40% marks gets 14% more than the passing marks. Find the maximum marks.
The number of boys and girls in a school is 160 and 220 respectively. 25% of boys left the school while 40 girls took admission in the school. Find the ...