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Prof. Reddy is eclipsed by his wife who is much livelier and more intelligent than he is.
She could not resist the temptation anyone .
Given below is a sentence with one blank. Below the sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none of the words fill ...
One also recalls many a minister operating from the police control rooms and directing the anti-minority operations.
In the following question, sentences are given with a part in bold. The given phrase in bold may or may not contain an error. The options following ca...
The biggest movement to protect Kannada learning dates back to the 1980s, when the Gokak Committee submitted its report in 1981 that recommended, ag...
The novel is comical but also seek to question traditional family roles.
The majority of patients today using of facilities created mostly by for-profit urban hospitals.
...Tokyo seek into projecting India as the leader of the Global South, not China
None only did the men aid in the work, but the women also did their part.