
    Direction: The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them contains an error. Select the part that contains an error from the given option. If the sentence is correct as it is given and No correction is required, mark (d) as your answer.

    The Prime Minister have (A) / inaugurated a world-class (B) / venue  for the G20 Summit (C) / at Pragati Maidan in Delhi (D) / No error (E).

    A A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Part (A) has the error. The subject "The Prime Minister" requires the singular form of the verb "have," which is "has" in this case. Part (B) is correct, describing the action of inaugurating a world-class venue. Part (C) is also correct, providing the information about the summit.   Part (D) is coorect , providing additional information about the location of the venue.

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