
    Direction: The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them contains an error. Select the part that contains an error from the given option. If the sentence is correct as it is given and No correction is required, mark (d) as your answer.

    Until I do not get  (A) / the job , I can not  (B) /bear the responsibility (C) / of my house (D)/ No error (E).

    A A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ‘Until’ cannot be used with a negative word like no, not, never, etc. in a sentence because it becomes a case of superfluousness(not necessary).  Here's the corrected sentence: "Until I get the job, I cannot bear the responsibility of my house."

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