The sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
The transition by online classes (A)/to offline education was smooth (B)/for the much part, (C)/ with teachers and students (D)/adapting at COVID-19 sa...
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as...
Though the scheme is proposed to be expanded 1) / during the Twelfth Five Year Plan, 2)/ the regional geriatric centers are yet to taken off 3)...
Antibiotics are useless (A)/and proprietary antiseptic gargles and lozenges (B)/if used in access are (C)/likely to further aggravate the throat (D).
In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
Unfortunately, I lost interested halfway through the film.
After the allegations , the CEO should step up from his position.
She wanted telling you who you could approach for your problem.
The political revolution in Bangladesh dismantle the country’s Supreme Court too, as protesters forced the Chief Justice and two other judges to resig...
Since it was his first election campaign, the candidate was confused (a) / none could clearly understand (b) / either the principles he stood for or the...
He said that timely police action could have been prevented the attack.