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"The team is working diligently to meet the project deadline, but they are facing several technical challenges." In this corrected sentence, "to meet the project deadline" is an infinitive phrase that explains the purpose or goal of the team's diligent work.
Budding is most commonly done when there is
President of ICAR is
Which of the following method is used for corrections of defects in any popular variety?
Dehorning of horned cattle is the process of removal of their horns or the process of preventing their growth. The process of dehorning is accomplished ...
Barberry bush is the alternate host of _______
White blisters of crucifers is caused in mustard due to which of the following pathogen?
Wart disease of potato is caused by _____
Phomopsis blight is a disease of which crop?
Which of the following fatty acid is majorly present in Coccus nucifera?
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