The word ‘elevating’ is used inappropriately and makes an opposite sense. It should be replaced with ‘alleviating’. Elevating: This word refers to lifting or raising something to a higher position, status, or level. It can be used both in a literal sense, such as elevating an object to a higher place, or in a figurative sense, such as elevating someone's mood or elevating the quality of something. Example: "The new educational initiatives aim at elevating the academic standards in the region." Alleviating: This word means to make something less severe, intense, or burdensome. It is often used in the context of reducing or easing pain, suffering, or problems. Example: "The government implemented measures aimed at alleviating poverty by providing financial assistance to low-income families."
If D and F exchange their position then after the new rearrangement what is the position of A with respect to F?
Which of the following is true regarding Arpit as per the given arrangement?
In which of the following combination both the persons are facing towards each other?
Which of the following pairs represents the persons seated in the middle of the sides and face each other?
What is the position of W with respect to V?
Five friends, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a row facing south. Q is sitting in the centre position. P is sitting at the west end. T and R are sitting...
How many person sit between F and E?
What is the difference of ages of S and Q?
How many persons sit between the one who sits to the immediate right of U and the one who sits to the immediate right of R?
A, B, C, E, D, F are sitting in a row facing towards West. E is not at the right end. B is just right of C but left of F. only D is between A and C. Who...