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The sentence is incomplete at the end. The verb ‘give’ requires a noun to complete the sentence and make a complete sense to understand that what did ‘his’ mother not give. The possible object of the verb ‘give’ can be ‘it’ were ‘it’ refers to the permission that ‘he’ asked ‘his’ mother.
Before servicing, a car runs at a speed of 50 km/hr while after servicing, it runs at a speed of 60 km/h. After servicing the car covers a certain dista...
In a 1.6 km race, 'A' gives 'B' a head start of 300 meters, but still 'A' wins the race by 100 meters. If 'B' takes 15 minutes to complete the race, cal...
Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of 20 minutes but a person in a train approaching the place hears the sound 16 minutes 30 seconds...
Rohan covered first half of his journey at 32 km/h and other half at 48 km/h. Find his average speed throughout the journey.
A man is travelling at a speed of 60 km/h such that he will take 80 minutes to reach his destination. But after completing half the journey, the man too...
The distance between two points 'G' and 'H' is 2,700 km. Piyush and Rohan can cover the distance between 'G' and 'H' in 54 hours and 45 hours, respectiv...
A car owner in Australia plans to travel India with his family. He drives from his home to the airport at an average speed of 20 mph. He flew from the a...
Which of the following can be true?
i. R reached the destination in 5hrs and P reached the destination in 3 hrs
ii. R reached the desti...
Train P starts from Lucknow to Dehradun at 11:55 am with an average speed of 45 m/s. Train Q starts from Dehradunto Lucknowat 1:35 pm with an average sp...
A train running at a speed of 72 km/h crosses another train running in the opposite direction at 54 km/h in 12 seconds. The length of the first train is...