‘Disrupt’ should be replaced with ‘disrepute. Disrupt: To disrupt means to interrupt or cause disturbance to the normal course or flow of something. It involves interfering with or breaking the continuity of a process, system, or situation, often resulting in disorder or chaos. Disrepute: Disrepute refers to the loss of respect, trust, or good reputation. When something is in disrepute, it is regarded unfavorably or negatively by others due to its perceived lack of credibility, integrity, or honor. It implies a tarnished or damaged reputation. According to the sentence the Minister said that during the UPA regime CWC led to the loss of reputation to the country.
Who among the following like BMW Car?
How many people are sitting between S and N while counting from the left of N?
Six persons J, K, L, M, N, and O are sitting in a straight row facing north direction but not necessarily in the same order. Two persons sit between L a...
Who sits in front of F?
Six friends Q, N, X, S, R and T are sitting in a row facing north. N and S are adjacent to each other and neither of them is on extreme end. T is sittin...
X likes which of the following Actor?
Six people, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre (but not necessarily in the same manner). One person is s...
As many persons sit between O and L as between I and _____?
Which of the following statement is/are correct?
i) E and T like same Car
ii) R sits second to the right of Q
iii) C...
Which of the following is R’s position?