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In C, replace BROKEN with BROKE, as the former is the third form of the verb and is always preceded by a helping verb such has HAD/ HAVE. We need the second form of the verb BROKE here. Thus, (d) is the right answer.
Any person who is aggrieved by an improvement notice served by the Designated officer under Food Safety and Standards Act may appeal to
Who has the power to suspend operation of the Banking Regulation Act?
A Decree for restitution of conjugal rights can be executed by which of the following modes?
To be a member of the House of People, minimum age prescribed is:
Appeals filed before Securities Appellate Tribunal to be disposed within ___________ from the date of receipt of appeal.
All the commissions shall have powers like that of ___________________
What is the minimum number of witnesses required to prove any fact?
Every summon issued by a Court under CrPC
The Chairperson of the Competition Commission of India embers shall not hold office as such after he has attained the age of_________________
What is the prescribed time limit for the Rent Control Court to dispose of a complaint filed under the Maharashtra Rent Control Act?