
    In the following question, three sentences are given, revolving around the same theme or idea. Decide which of the sentences are grammatically and meaningfully correct and mark the answer accordingly. 

    1. Enhanced weathering essentially speeds up natural

    processes of erosion and chemical reactions using newly introduced minerals. 2. During the process, rocks are crushed and transport to farmland, where they are spread over a large area once a year.  3. When it rains, water dissolves silicate or carbonate materials in the dust.
    A Only 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only 1 and 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only 1 and 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only 2 and 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All 1, 2 and 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Both 1 and 3 are correct, which makes C the right answer. 2 - replace the base form verb TRANSPORT with TRANSPORTED as the passive voice construction ARE + VERB will take the past participle form of the verb. Moreover, the verb needs to be parallel in form to CRUSHED. 

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