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What is the difference between the numbers which is third from the right end and second from the left end in Step V?
How many elements are between ‘identical and ‘29’ in step III?
Which of the following is the last step for the following input?
Input: 26 12 68 36 46 87 9
If the 13th step of an input is ‘he beats the old record of nine hours’, which of the following would be its step VII?
...Step II of an input is: Warehouse 57 birth cat 34 41 Silent 22, which of the following steps will be last?
What will be the 14th step for the following input?
Input: the rule changes will come into effect for
...Input: he does not even claim that motifs
Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
In step II of the rearrangement, if 'practical' is related to 'wrong and 'weeping' in a certain way. Which of the followings would 'theoretical' be rel...
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
Which ...
Which number would be at the fourth position from the left end in the last step of the output?